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Content Designer (Game As a Service)

I'm an energetic Game Designer from Sweden, my name is Hugo.
I always strive to achieve as much as I can whilst 
balancing a
social life and free tim
e. In my spare time, I enjoy playing games,
creative writing, and spending time in nature.


Games have been a staple of my life for as long as I can remember,

and open-world games have caught my attention the most.

I thoroughly enjoy exploring the lands of Horizon Zero Dawn and

learning the lore in Zelda; Breath of The WildWhile those types

hook me the most, I also tend to play a wide variety of games to experience as much as possible and help inspire me in my work, everything from Tom Clancy's Rainbow 6 Siege to Divinity: Original Sin 2.


I've studied Game Design at Playgroundsquad. Throughout my education, I've learned a lot about myself and what fuels my passion for Game Design. I mainly enjoy UI/UX- and Content Design, they offer a direct connection between developer and player unlike what I've seen in other areas of design. However, I enjoy the practices of all the different aspects of design since I think having a thorough understanding of your field could serve you well. 

For each work I've taken part in my goal has always been to give 110%. I believe that one can more naturally grow and learn if one seeks out a passion or interest in what they're pursuing, even if it's not their end goal.

To me, it also comes with the bonus of finding pride and happiness in my work. I not only find pride in the work I accomplish but also in my ability to quickly understand and learn a new process complete with new tools and language.


Hugo Wassén

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